Perfect for the Winter or when you want to scare away your Spouse, Kids or Neighbors. Very pleasant smoke Great flavor. There are also people who like French fries with their ketchup and sushi with their wasabi. A couple weeks later when I could imagine wanting Latakia again, I put some nice Squadron Leader in the pipe and smoked it down 1/4 way, until the shank cracked 1/2 down from the bowl. I got hints of this flavor throughout the bowl and I must say, I like it! This stuff lives up to its reputation as Latakia Central. soli Deo gloria. This cake should hold together nicely as it ages in the Ball jar. Truly a blend for Latakia aficionados. The latter of which adds a nice nutty sweetness to the blend. The burley component smooths it out a bit, but doesn't add much to the taste that I can tell, but there is a definite spice component from the Orientals. Highly recomendednot for the faint of tounge or heart. Taste is very smooth, strong and stinky. Published review content of this website is considered the I like how it smells while burning, and I enjoy smoking it. This offers a nice contrast to the G.L. ?wait that is My Cousin Vinny not a review, my apologies. Although the Burley adds body, it's the distinct flavor of Orientals in the mix which makes this blend enjoyable beyond just tasting like a smoky campfire. Pirate kake is by far the smokiest, most contemplative Latakia blend out there - it tastes great and is perfect for sitting in the cool night air and taking time off from the world. Also, this is a big pipe blend, we're talking Group 6 and beyond. Latakia blends are my favorites. It is a strong smoke but pleasant to the pallet. An occasional excess has its place in life, and Pirate Kake is an excess. But, for what it's worth, I'll add my thoughts to the site. Room note reminds me of a wood stove. this is a once-in-a-while-I-have-been-drinking-Jack Daniels-kinda of smoke.So when you feeling ten feet tall and bullet proof or you are at odds with the mrs. or uyou are at the nearest biker bar, pack a good size bowl and light up the cannons. You won't be sorry. It's as if Pirate Kake is the tobacco I didn't know that I wanted. Before this, I've had Black Frigate and Bow-Legged Bear, which were both really old (from those crappy metal tins C&D used to use that didn't seal), and were falling apart, and Briar Fox, which I liked; but this one is really dense and really fun to play with/chop up. The nose of the bag is prodigiously Latakia. It is too much, after a few minutes of it my senses numbed. As an occasional smoke it's ok, but when I finish the tin I probably will not purchase more. $11.25. PS: I've rated it mild because nicotine-wise it has no perceptible kick. I like Latakia, but this blend gives Latakia a bad name. Tobacco. I buy i Pirate Lake is a full body English bend. This is where the hassle becomes worthwhile. Latakia heavy at first (in a good way), then the orientals make their nutty, exotic spice appearance about half way in. Still very high. Slightly sweet, smokey, a bit of complexity from the orientals, very little bite. This, of course, changes the flavour and smoking experience. Its taken to long to write this. When Im in the mood for a massive Lat hit, I reach for this one! I definitely will get more on future orders. I did find drying it out a bit gave the best results and minimized the relights. Any drying, IMHO, would lessen the wonderful smokiness, which is the star attribute here. I highly recommend this blend to the inner-pirate in everyone! If you don't really like Latakia this will not change your mind. Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. The turkish tobacco is the perfect counterpoint to keep this from being a one dimesional smoke, and the burley keeps things very cool. If you dont find any pure Latakia in the market you can easily buy this one and make your own mixtures. I knew by the guy who I traded tins with ( He got an old tin from me of Kingfisher ) that it was a full bore Latakia blend, I have to say I am most pleased. Absolutely luscious! I packed the bottom half of the bowl very loosely, as usual. Tasting this one as it evolves and reveals more of itself has been very rewarding, especially for a latakiaphile like myself. I guess a lot of the smell comes from the turkish as well, its like a battle between the latakia and the turkish in the smell, but in taste the latakia wins, of course. Offering a wide assortment of styles and flavors, Nakhla really is one of the best brands without doubt. It lights easily and stays lit. The 099 bag was packed totally full of tobacco, whereas the Pirate Kake was only half full! I truly enjoy reminiscing on the flavor and the smokey smell in my moustache well after my bowl has been finished. Due to the descriptors I used, it is a smoke best enjoyed outdoors or in the privacy of your smoking room. It smokes very cool with no bite whatsoever. It is top notch Cyprian leaf with solid Burley and Virginia's. I could make this a very short review and just mention that it is a fantastic Latakia, Burley, Oriental blend. At first light the Latakia wafts by the nose and oh boy,try this if you need a Latakia drip tube. But not just any Latakia. Some say its unidimensional. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz Item# 2324 $14.95 Availability: Usually ships the next business day Total Price: Qty: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) I love the fact that it's such a wonderful smoke Pirate Kake is a study in excess, and that is not a bad thing. Pirate?s Kake does not measure up. Its now at the top of favorite list; not sure I can make it through my rotation of 50 blends before getting to it again, LOL. I received an neat little 1/2 ounce cube of this as a gift from in an order that I had placed. Taste like how it smells. This is definitely a blend that calls out for a small bowled pipe and gentle smoking. This is a blend I've since left behind but of which I have fond memories. The Kake easily breaks apart, easily rubs out. Woody sweet, unlike the charisma tic strong and musty sweetness of Cyprian. I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. to my last order tried a bit when it arrived and again it was a bit sharp but enjoyable. I am a Latakia, English blend, and Virginia blend lover. A nice Latakia bomb. And the bricks were pretty cool, I must say. Pipe Used: Ashton ELX Brindle Billiard - 2007 NASPC yearpipe. I'd recommend packing half a bowl as even after you are done latkia will saturate your very being with creamy smoke scent. Put down the 1-Q, step out of the candy aisle of the tobacco world, and enjoy a truly flavorful tobacco. :). Enjoy + Require buying + An all-day smoke Four Stars Rating, Purchased From: 8 oz tins from pipesandcigars. I could almost imagine this as a Latakia lovers perfect morning smoke, whereas I had it more in mind as the last smoke of the day. Now as excited as I was about all the hype I jarred it as soon as I opened it and promptly rubbed some out and filled my bowl. The next day PK lights right up and smokes all the way through. You can even just pack the kake bits. Open the tin and a waft of campfire smoke will invade your nostrils. Chi pu dirlo, questo un fumo da pirati, uomini rudi che amano un gusto davvero preciso e deciso. Definitely a strong peaty highland single malt like Laphroaig or peat monster. Nic dose is fairly low on this one, which surprised the heck out of me because the flavor is so over the top. In fact, it isn't fit to be called a blend at all since it is the same as smoking straight latakia, not a blend of different tobaccos. If you like Latakia, this is clearly for you. I smoked it moist, and it got very very hot. Ive finally settled on this is one great blend! I find PK to be a charmingly enjoyable blend, smooth as butter, rich with wood, earth and leather, along with some sweet coupled with sea salt (and a mineral-like element that I cant quite put my finger on its not quite soda-like but it sits right behind the salt). I found this best in a small bowl as it can get kind of boring to my tastes in a large bowl. It gets better with a little age. I had smoked samples from friends and a small tin of this in the past but waited to review until I could get a pound to start on just to see consistency from tin to bulk. Right up my alley as I burn wood to heat the house. I'm not a Latakia fiend, but I wanted to keep something like this on hand for cold, snowy days. It does have, as others have mentioned, quite a punch but is great for when I am in a contemplative mood. The strength like the body falls short of medium. Found another chewy block of this magnificent cake at the great Jack's Tobacco Shop in Milwaukee. not good. It is a pretty intense smoke in my opinion. I like to smoke PK in a large bowled pipe, usually my big Striker billiard. The Pirates won?t let you down. Not for beginners ! It crumbled up pretty easy and packed up well. That said though, I quite like it! But Pirate Kake is definitely in that ball park IMHO. Sweet smokes everyone. He gave me the remaining tobaccos he had. Overall I would highly recommend this to anyone who loves a good English blend this stuff is top notch and is cheap and available. The nuttiness of the burleys barely come through. Comparisons are almost always inadequate and mistakenly imply some presumtion of superiority. I had just finished some Orient Express and I noticed in the description that it was 50% Pirate Kake and 50% Odessa. Oct 11, 2018. The crumble cake is easy to pack, the smell is strong smoky. It is a little less dense than others I've had and also not at all wet, for me it is presented with perfect moisture content, but some may find it a touch dry. You'll need a knife to break this one up, its a pretty tight brick. This blend is a perfect example of how tobacco mixtures can be full flavored but still fall flat due to lack of nuance & slight to moderate shifts in complexity. Five of five stars ------------ march 06 update. It has a smokey sweetness to it that I have not detected in any other blend. Perfect flavor & strength. I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong though; this blend is more of a medium strength. I smoked one bowl out of one of my nicer pipes and now its a latakia pipe forever because the nastiness of pirate kake will never be exorcized. Pirate Kake is definitely a blend which begs to be smoked out-of-doors. A great value in bulk . do so, it is very very good. I bought a hunk of this looking for a purer form of latakia to decide whether I really was a latakia guy or not. I had ordered the Virginia sampler about 3 years ago, and did like the Pirate cake best so ordered an 8 oz. Life is a novel by PKD. Makes you earn it's respect. Mix in a little cavendish burley, add a touch of the Turk,and press this in a 70,000 ton vise and you have PIRATE KAKE! It burns well and forms a nice ash. Its almost a single note experience. If you are new to the pipe this would be a good way to sample where strong english begins. Pirate kake is no exception. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. You'll know in a heart-beat whether you truly love Latakia - or just think you do. Cornell & Diehl Bow Legged Bear Pipe Tobacco . Pirate Kake is distantly similar in taste to CAO's Old Ironsides, but the Latakia content here is much more overwhelming. This tobacco is one of my favourites. I opened the backy and let it dry a tad bit,and then loaded a bowl. I'll have to get more soon, or my aging remnants will not last that long! I have to admit I sort of got into the spirit of this blend and my apologies for what follows. I was impressed with their giving it to me; it was a very attractive perfect little brick that I kept on my desk for a many months, just admiring its geometry and composition. I will keep this in my rotation and continue to cellar as I go. Edit: It should have a bit of dry time. The Turkish/orientals are dry and very floral. The good point is the concentration on Latakia, with no corrections, and this is also a weak point, since it flattens the experience. If you like sweet stuff with your latakia this just might fit the bill. Rusticated smooth top dublin. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. Still it burned extremely well, and it was smooth smoke. It was almost worth the price just for that. The smokiness is cool and mellow, very nice, but I failed to really see how this was a team effort. Me: "So what is that you're smoking? Brand: Cornell & Diehl Series: Sea Scoundrels Blended By: Cornell & Diehl Model: Pirate Kake Tobacco Type: Burley, Latakia & Oriental I miss some sweetness and complexity. I do not find it as strong as many other reviewers. Maybe I will try mixing it with something. This is top of the notch latakia. Wow, this is heavy in Latakia. Burley provides body, added smoothness and aids in the creamy mouth-feel. (how many times did I say smoky so far? Second mistake: Burley has no proper taste; its a neutral tobacco without a specific taste. It seems, pretty much everything has been said already about this blend! My tin was dated from 2015. Another aspect that makes it great is the fact that when you pack a bowl, it does not have the tendenciy to spring back up. It's Latakia in overwhelming amounts. For each referral! This is primo condemental that is extremely smooth and creamy with smoke so thick you can eat it. Although there is reportedly 70%+ Latakia in this blend, it is smooth and satisfying with addition of other tobaccos. This comes in a Krumble Kake and was fun to break and crumble to prepare for the bowl. Latakia has a lot of nuance in its flavor. As I stated earlier, it has a good amount of nicotine thanks to the burley, but one should not consider this a strong blend by any means. I will say I like it, a lot but this is not a tobacco that you need to ponder. Understatement of the year---"This is a blend for the Latakia lover" WOW. This simply tasted of salt an d campfire. That is not a latakia bomb nor a full strength smoke in my opinion. Taste was consistent. They have the Latakia and Burley playing so well together in this blend. The smokiness of the Latakia is perfectly balanced with the nuttiness of the burley and just a little tickle of the spice of oriental. Un prodotto solo per fumatori esperti che non temono la forza della nicotina e i sapori decisi. I got a free sample of this with my last order and can't say enough good about it. The kake arrived moist. A must for all Latakiaphiles! The tobacco smokes evenly, and burns to a white ash afterwards. I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. Burns clean, mostly cool and a little slow with a very consistent, mildly sweet and very savory flavor from start to finish. Very delicious. I was not disappointed. I didn't find this blend to change much in the bowl. I find this to be quite comparable to Penzance. no joke. The aftertaste is yummy smokey incensy latakia. An 8 oz. Great blend. Meerschaum Man,smoking a 20 yr old CAO Bacchus. The best way I can put this blend, is that if it were a movie, it would be about latakia, there would be a preview before the movie starring oriental, and the burley and virginias would be listed in the credits as gaffers or extras. Even at the full price it seems reasonable, so I will probably be buying more when I run out. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. update December 2014** same batch as previous yet the past months of ageing seem to have mellowed out the baccy. Great for late night or cool/cold weather smoking. I still rate it at three stars, and worth your consideration if you're into heavy English blends. It is somewhat similar to Ten Russians, but there definitely is a difference between the two blends and Pirate Kake is much, much better. The character turning more dark and spicy in the second half so a sweet drink (coffee, tea) goes great with it. Has a waxy essence to it and if you enjoy Latakia this will be a go to blend. I took the advice from one of the other commenters on this page and decided to spruce it up with some rum. Both are pure Latakia heaven when you are positively craving it. I always have a couple brownies of this laying around. Having recently transitioned from cigar smoking to the hobby of pipe smoking (five months ago), I am still testing the waters of the masses of pipes and tobaccos available. Aprendo la latta ci troviamo un plug pressato, abbastanza compresso, dai colori vari, marrone scuro, chiaro e punte di giallo. The only one I am confident in saying I can taste is the burley. What I find Surprising straight away is that having imagined this a heavy smoke, it is quite the opposite. Pirate Kake is like a car accident that you can't take your taste buds away from. Troppo Latakia? Occasional notes of dark baker's chocolate, hickory, and brine. 4 stars if you like lots of manly Latakia, 1 star if not. blend and an occasional one, at that. It definitely smokes slow and cool- that half bowl i had lasted well over an hour. It is not at all one-dimensional, even if it obviously is a Latakia forward blend, given its 75% proportion. Very consistent flavor that was much to my taste of this very uniquely wonderful blend that really is for those looking for something different. Pirate Kake is not just a smoke; it is a true religious experience! It's become my absolute favorite smoke. I was mainly a cigar smoker for a number of years, with pipes as a sometimes thing. I started smoking pipes a couple years ago with those pouches you could get out of stores and nothing against those tobacco are the people that smoke them just thought something was missing I finally found this smoking website ordered a tin of nightcap and that was my 1st real true experience with great tinned tobacco and that was my 1st while moment smoking a pipe while now you can't get nightcap anymore and I was looking for that wow again and just happened to pick up a can of pirate cake and this is as close a second to the while that I 1st experienced the nightcap not saying the tobaccos are similar just saying that while factor has to be the 2nd best tobacco that I've ever tried and will order more and more this is just a great smoke everything you could want every feeling every emotion just a great all around smoking tobacco. My 6 year old piece had a nice oily sheen to the eye and a few spots of plume. This would probably be great for coloring a new meerschaum. This is the classic lat-bomb English blend. I opened the bag and was greeted by a very rich, heavy pleasant smoky flavor that was leading this charge of flavors. I'm then not particularly surprised that this cake burns nice and cool. Updated 10/13/12- I ordered another Bulk batch of this blend, rubbed it all out, let it rest for about a month and I have to say, "this is outstanding". The orientals also sport some etherealness, a few sour peaks and a herbal character. Then immediately into a large mason jar. Anyway, I've been happy as a clam with this one and can't recommend it enough to English lovers. To start let me say that pirate kake is the first tobacco that has ever made my hands look like that of a mechanic. I love it. This is my favorite Lat-bomb of all time, having tried many that get harsh or bitter. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. It has a pleasant aftertaste. The cake itself has that delicious campfire aroma to it, but it doesn't seem to come out as much in the bowl. Not much sticks out: Creosote.. Gunpowder, leather, peat. This left no moisture in the bowl. I rubbed then let dry for an hour or 2. So like the typical guy I started with aromatics and over the past year I've tried tons of different types of blends finding myself settling into VApers and Balkan blends. It does smoke cool with no bite. I enjoy English blends regularly but not exclusively. The tobacco lights easily and stays lit well too. This is a superb blend of all those who experienced latakian mixtures. I am currently puffing on this blend, in my Ser Jacopo Delecta, and I find this blend to be very mild for the most part. The burley is noticeable not so much for the taste but more so the nicotine hit that it helps provide. I found it pleasant and will smoke it again even though this is not my usual type of smoke although I am coming to enjoy more English Blends. It comes in a plug which I tore apart and put in an air tight jar, like the large ones sold on this site. And when that's depleted, I'm getting another one. Smokes cool and dry. Verso la met si sente un lieve pepato e tostato, segno delle altre componenti, ma un accenno, nulla pi. Don't even bother attempting to cut this kake, you'll have to hammer the knife through. Lights easy & stays lit, great smokey flavor to the bottom of the bowl, for me this is top notch tobacco, but as I stated it is very rich in Latakia which puts some people off. Thank you c&D please if you have never tried it. CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO | Cigar Standard The best prices on CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO found at Cigar Standard | Shop our wide selection of products today! The present tin information report: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%) of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. In my opinion there is no sweetness in this blend but I don't mind. This is a fantastic Latakia smoke!